"What am I going to maaaaaake? I don't waaaant to coooook anything."
To which Matt would say, "Can I turn on the air conditioning?"
So I was ecstatic to discover this no-cook / heatwave-approved attempt in Suzanne Goin's, Sunday Suppers at Lucques. If you live in los angeles, no doubt you've heard of Lucques, AOC or Tavern. But all you really need to know is that this cookbook is swarming with painstakingly difficult recipes, except this one that Goin calls "foolproof." Yeah, Suzanne? I'll see about that.
our version:

This recipe is all about the produce. Starting with some amazing yellow heirloom tomatoes.
Here they are demoralized.
After chopping the supporting veggies, we threw everything in a bowl in preparation for blending.
And that's where the foolproof recipe turned on us--the blender was leaking. And when actually blending, the minimal leak turned into a flowing river of yellow gazpacho, so once things looked just crushed and mixed together, we stopped blending.
Personally, I think I would prefer it chunky, of course I haven't tried the Lucques-perfect strained version, but despite the blender malfunction, the end product was totally delicious, and after chilling it for an hour, it was incredibly refreshing. So maybe it is foolproof?
Oh, there I am, after eating a big bowl of soup. Ooops, cat's out of the bag. Gatsby here. Really is foolproof. byyyeeeeeee!
This looks so yummy! I love gazpacho. I also love AOC. Remember when we went there, Matt? Dates in bacon?
P.S. Amers, Henry has a piece of celery he'd like to put in that gazpacho, please.
you are FUNNY.
Funny, Ames.
gotta say, I think I like your bowl better!
i have that cookbook and have done NOTHING from it...they all look so difficult. I'll try this one though!
Looks delicious!
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