
Video Attempt: Chocolate Cream Pie & A Special Announcement

Soooo, if you watched the above video, the cat's out of the bag! Or rather the bun is in the oven? Thanks to my mom for being such a great sport and making this chocolate cream pie about an hour after being picked up at the airport as I knew I wasn't going to be able to make it too long into her trip without telling her the news and, you know, we wanted to catch her reaction on camera. (Oh and we shot this back in May, so I'm now four months along in case you were wondering.) Lastly (but definitely not leastly), this chocolate cream pie is outstanding. Make it for sure.

Chocolate Cream Pie (the only dessert recipe) from Jeanne Kelley's Salad for Dinner
3/4 cup unbleached all-purpose flour
1/2 cup whole raw almonds, toasted and finely chopped
6 tablespoons sugar
1/4 cup natural unsweetened cocoa powder
1/2 teaspoon kosher salt
6 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted and cooled slightly

2/3 cup sugar
1/4 cup cornstarch
2 tablespoons natural unsweetened cocoa powder
1/4 teaspoon kosher salt
4 large egg yolks
3 cups milk (I used 2%, as suggested)
8 ounces bittersweet chocolate (54 to 60% cacao), chopped
1 tablespoon dark rum (I know I could have added this even though I'm pregnant, but I didn't because I didn't have any on hand. I bet it's a delicious addition though!)

1 cup chilled whipping cream
2 tablespoons sugar
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract

To make the crust:
Preheat the oven to 375F. Butter a 9-inch pie dish or pan. Combine the flour, almonds, sugar, cocoa powder, and salt in a medium bowl. Using a fork, stir in the butter until the mixture resembles moist sand. Press the dough firmly and evenly over the bottom and up the sides of the pie dish. Bake the crust until just browned at the edges, about 11 minutes. Let the crust cool completely.

For the filling:
In a heavy large saucepan, combine the sugar, cornstarch, cocoa powder and salt and whisk to blend. Beat in the egg yolks. Gradually whisk in the milk. Whisk the filling over medium-high heat until the mixture thickens and boils, about 1 minute. Remove the filling from the heat and immediately stir in the chocolate, whisking until the chocolate melts and the filling is smooth. Stir in the rum. Pour the filling into the crust and smooth the top. Let the pie cool to room temperature and cover loosely with waxed paper. Chill the pie until cold, at least 2 hours or overnight.

For the topping:
Beat the cream, sugar, and vanilla in a large bowl until firm peaks form. Spread the topping over the pie and serve.


  1. Oh, that's awesome! What a great way to tell your mom, too!

  2. AHHHHHHH! This is the best. So so happy for you. I will devour all pregnancy/baby related content if you choose to share it!

    1. Thanks, Lydia! And I have a feeeeeeling I will need to share some things. :) :)

  3. i watched the reveal twice! and gasped with mom, even though i already knew! so awesome!!

  4. Congrats Amelia!! Looking forward to kid friendly recipes :)

  5. Ha! WOOOH! Congrats Matt and Amelia! God bless guys :)I love that you included a little snippet of your Mum saying she needed your help to change the sounds on her phone...

    1. Thanks, Tom! My mom is a bit technologically challenged. :) :)

  6. oh wow, i teared up a little bit at your mom's reaction! so cool that you caught it on film. lots of congratulations to you two!

  7. This is so sweet. Congrats!!!

  8. Congratulations Amelia!! Your mother's reaction was priceless!
    I wish you all the best!!

  9. Eek, congrats! I love Dr. Becky, she's just the cutest.

  10. How sweet!! I love that you caught your mom's reaction on video - what a priceless moment!

  11. Congratulations! I watched your moms reaction like 4 times. Love when she makes an appearance. Babies are the best!

  12. I started crying when I saw your mom's reaction! So sweet. Congrats -- children really are the best investment!

  13. AMELIA! I'm so happy for you (and Matt)! Congratulations, congratulations! Wow. ---S

  14. OMG!!!!!!! Congratulations to you and Matt!!! Also - did you sort of smile at the camera a bit when you said oven at the beginning? I think you did. XO

  15. Congratulations!! Loved that you told your mom on film! I'm 2 weeks till baby and am so ready (and wanting that pie, OMG).

  16. Your mom's reaction was priceless! And the pie...wow!

  17. CONGRATS!!!!! I am so, so happy for you guys.

  18. BIG HUGS! So happy for all of you! I loved your mom's reaction - amazing.

  19. I was wondering where in the pie process you'd spill the beans. I love your mom's reaction! Congrats on the bambino!

  20. YAYYYYYY!! I mean, I already knew, but you know. More comments.

  21. Woooooo congrats Amy & Matt! You guys will be such fun parents. :)

  22. Congrats, congrats, congrats! What happy news!!

  23. This is so awesome!! Congrats again guys! xoxo

  24. Okay, this video is AMAZING. Your mom is adorable, and I just DIED when she asked if you wanted her to "level it." Hahaha!!

    Congrats, you guys. Great news, great unveiling. XO!

  25. Congrats, Amelia and Matt!

    I had a feeling when I read your post title that there might be a bun baking. Loved your mom's reaction and, as I am also 4-months preggers, I would love to hear anything you care to share about your experience.


  26. THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH!!! You're the best readers / viewers ever!!

  27. Special Announcement indeed!!! Congrats to you, Matt, and Mavis! p.s. Dr. Bickel is adorable <3

  28. Before I revert back to lawyer life, I just wanted to say congratulations, again! Glad I got to say it in person, and now confirm it on the World Wide Web!

  29. Congrats!!! Let the baby tips pour in! Here's mine: Don't come up with a Birthing Plan. At most, maybe do a Birthing Suggestion or a Birthing Wishlist. Every delivery is different, and as much as you want to try to control the situation and make it as comfortable for you as possible, the kid runs the show and may have other plans. Be prepared to go with the flow and just do what's the best option at the time for your little one.

    1. Oh and also your brain will only remember maybe a combined 5 minutes of the 14 hour delivery anyway.

  30. Congratulations!! Your mom's reaction was just so moving <3

    Oh, and I have that cookbook and never realized there was a dessert recipe in it.


  31. Congrats!! So fun to see the announcement! I made that pie yesterday and my friends died over it! So good! Better than any pie I've bought! Thanks! X

  32. congrats!!! such a sweet video.

  33. Congrats! I love your blog, your mom has been my kids pediatrician for almost 20 years now, ( we love her) and she has always talked about you and your brother with such pride and joy! She has always had such great parenting advice for me and I'm guessing her wisdom comes from her own parenting experiences. My youngest, Alyssa just turned 18 and will be going to college next year and plans on majoring in English, she reminds me of you in many ways! She has a beautiful way of expressing her feelings through writing and I'm hoping your blog will inspire and encourage her to be true to herself. Thanks for sharing this great time of your life with us all. May you enjoy becoming a mom as much as I did!


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