
Kimchi Fried Rice

Now that I'm into my 24th week of this pregnancy, my particular food cravings and aversions have waned. But since I didn't get to share all of my first-trimester experiences with y'all as I had to just get through it first, I would like to take this opportunity to thank the glorious cuisines of Korea, the Middle East, Thailand, Italy, and Funfetti for being there for me in my time of need. Also, a special thanks to McClure's Pickles Bloody Mary mix, which I drank on the rocks most afternoons around 3pm. 

To be honest, I didn't actually make kimchi fried rice during my first trimester, but I probably should have. It's so satisfyingly spicy and sour, the two adjectives I most wanted from my food. And, bonus, kimchi is technically a vegetable, right? Which would have come in handy as I found vegetables in general to be pretty off-putting.
But say you're not pregnant? You should probably still make this dish. One: it comes together in minutes! (Provided you are actually using day-old rice.) And two: if you live in Los Angeles, you get to go to HK Market, which is always a truly exceptional shopping experience, like stepping into a foreign country for a few moments of your otherwise normal(?) existence.
But I can't end this post without mentioning my latest Internet discovery. Seriously, this series of kitchen tips made me laugh so hard I started coughing / having trouble breathing. Enjoy! 
Kimchi Fried Rice super slightly adapted from Bap Story
serves 4

4 cups old kimchi, cut into bite size pieces (Listening to the folks from Bap Story, I used Chongga brand and within that brand, the one labeled "old fermented kimchi." Yum!)
4 cups of cooked rice (preferably day-old, cold)
2 tablespoons Canola oil (or another neutral oil. I actually used grapeseed.) + more for frying the eggs
1 tablespoon butter
1 tablespoon red pepper paste (gochujang, sold in Korean markets) (This is optional, but I would definitely recommend using it if you can find it!)
1 tablespoon sesame oil
4 eggs
salt and pepper to taste
Sesame-seasoned seaweed, crushed (sold in the Asian section of most supermarkets)

Heat a large frying pan on medium heat and add the Canola oil. Add the kimchi and fry for a few minutes until it is heated through.

Add the butter and red pepper paste. Stir until butter is melted and the paste is evenly distributed.

Add the rice. Use a spatula to break it up and mix it around so all the rice is evenly coated. Add sesame oil. Spread the rice evenly on the pan and let it sit for a couple minutes so the bottom turns a little crispy and brown.

While the rice is browning, fry the eggs in a separate pan, making sure to keep the yolks runny. (I always cover the pan with a lid, which helps set the whites.) Once they're done, season with just a touch of salt and pepper.

Mix the rice again using the spatula and then divide evenly among 4 bowls. Top each bowl with a fried egg and a nice sprinkling of the crushed seaweed. Enjoy!


  1. Mmmmmm yay, kimchi bokkumbap! Serious Korean comfort food. I'm about to make another batch of ggakduggi (cubed radish kimchi) to satisfy the kimchi craving.

    Is that Matilda in the bg?

    1. Good eye, Sarah! ;) It's the prettiest beer label in the world, I think?

    2. Totally. It reminds me of the cover of a novel. My cousin from Korea was visiting, and she's new to craft beers. I got her hooked on Matilda, and now she asks, "How is Matilda doing?" I can't tell if she's being facetious, or if it's the broken English.

  2. Kimchi fried rice?! I think I love!!! Great post!

  3. this is my favorite recipe from bap story, and i make it all the time. i use brown rice -- so very not authentic -- but still very good. yum yum yum yum.

  4. I'm fasting today. And now I am weeping.

  5. I wanna get that bowl of fried rice pregnant.

  6. Mmmm...one of my favourites, except I never seem to have leftover rice around. I should make a Bittman-esque point of having it on hand.

    I want to hear more about your pregnancy experience! And nice napkins.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Hi Sara!! I hope to delve into the pregnancy experience a bit more too!! As soon as I hand in the book manuscript, I'll have more time to ruminate. :) Alsoooo, Matt totally ate the third egg. He's a two-egg per rice dish kinda guy.

    3. I swear I thought I saw 4 eggs, and thought that you might have omitted one because the yolk got too hard (which is what happened to me) but then I looked back and saw it was only 3, hence the deletion. BUT YOU CAUGHT ME!!

  7. love everything about this post, especially the liberal use of SPLIT SCREENS by Tim and Eric! hahahaaaaa

  8. Delicious but very spicy, I love this dish :)

  9. The recipe looks awesome, so yesterday my boyfriend and I ventured into the only Asian market we have in Lexington, Kentucky: Yu Yu Asian. It was interesting, but between the flies, the open-air pig feet display (along with some other animal body parts I cannot name), and pungent fish smell, our appetites were squashed. Scored some ingredients, though, and will be making this rice today!

    1. Oh no! But hopefully it's gonna be worth it when you're eating this delicious dish today! Alsooo, you gotta come to LA and visit HK! Or get HK to come to Lexington?? ;)


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