
Video Attempt: Dutch Baby / Meet Teddy!

At the childbirthing class Matt and I took, they told us that in the first couple of weeks of our newborn's life, we should stay rested by "napping when the baby naps." By napping surely they meant shooting a bon appétempt video, right?

In other words, Matt and I are so happy to introduce you to our son, Teddy! And though it goes without saying, I'll say it anyway: he's the absolute BEST.
makes 2 servings

2 tablespoons butter
4 eggs
2/3 cup all-purpose flour
2/3 cup whole milk

for the topping:
2 tablespoons butter, melted
juice of 1lemon (I recommend using a Meyer lemon if you've got one)
1/2 cup powdered sugar

Preheat the oven to 425F.

To prepare the Dutch baby, melt the butter in a 12-inch cast iron skillet over low heat. Mix the eggs, flour and milk in a blender on medium speed until just blended, 5 to 10 seconds. Pour the batter into the skillet with the melted butter.

Place the skillet in the oven and bake until the top puffs up and is light golden, about 25 minutes.

When the Dutch baby is done, drizzle the melted butter over the top, and then sprinkle with the lemon juice and dust with the powered sugar. Cut into 6 wedges and serve immediately.


Matthew said...

I'm obsessed with Teddy! Best attempt yet. xoxo

Cheesy Pennies said...

Congratulations!!! He's fantastic.

Mary Anne said...

i want a (dutch) baby!!!! that looked so good!!!! teddy's pratty cute tooooo! xo

Andrea said...

Favorite video. I am in love with my nephew!

Mark and Marsha said...

We will watch this video at least 100 times. It's the best.

HAILEY said...

Love this! So happy you shared him!

Heather said...

I love your Blog/Videos! My boyfriend and I are always waiting to see what new recipe to try...we've loved all of them!! So happy you introduced us to Teddy, he's absolutely precious.

Unknown said...

Perfect blog debut for the Tedster!

Cheri Savory Spoon said...

Congrats! I always look forward to your videos, this one might be one of your best!

Bellbird said...

I never comment, but I have to on this occasion to say that Teddy is adorable!! Congratulations!

Mary Jo said...

Congratulations! my 4 year old and 13 month old just watched, dutch baby will be made this weekend (thank you) and we all think the Teddy is adorable, our baby said "ahhh" when she saw him!

Ileana said...

He's beautiful! :)

Jessica said...


Unknown said...

And look at Mavis watching over "her" baby. They are both adorable, congrats to all of you!

sg said...

Awwwww thanks for introducing Teddy to us! Um and how amazing are you guys - a video six days after giving birth, making your own delicious foods - wowza.

mliss said...

It's like nothing you could have ever imagined, isn't it?
He's wonderful, have fun!

Robin said...

Eeeee, congratulations!

kelsey said...

Shaun watches all of your video attempts with me and just said... "you didn't tell me it was the lady with the funny videos that was pregnant" // re: our twitter convo). Good grief woman, you look amazing! Love and light to you, Matt, and Teddy (and Mavis) in this new crazy-cool adventure.

Carmen said...

i like the line about your favorite family activity. i recently asked myself when it would no longer be appropriate to kiss m all over her body...

Sara said...

This looks delicious. MORE Teddy, please! (I think Mavis is in love.)

Amelia Morris said...

I want to thank you all individually but Teddy is crying!! So for now, please accept this one (all caps) thank you: THANK YOU!! xoxo

Holly said...

I love the shots of Mavis and Teddy. She looks to be dealing well. :) You look great! Congratulations!

Sasha said...

Mavis looks like a pretty proud babysitter. Rightly so - congratulations!

BrooklynSalt said...

Congrats on Teddy! I'm off to make a Dutch Baby.

Karen @ Mignardise said...

The sweetest! Congratulations - looking forward to more attempts featuring Teddy (and Mavis).

melissab said...

he's awesome!

Kira said...

Congratulations on the addition to your family, he looks absolutely precious! I love how Mavis is cozying right up to her new friend, what a top-notch babysitter.

Kara said...

Instant classic!! Loved this so much. xoxo

Anonymous said...

Love me some dutch babies, but not nearly even remotely close to how much I love meeting Teddy in this video. So precious!

Shelley said...

In a sad world where so many children are ignored, all I can say to this post is: lucky baby! Blessings on all.

Kara said...

P.S. Did you guys hear RadioLab this weekend?!?? About the effects of stress on the body. The last story relates directly to Matt's book of choice and covered me head to toe in goose bumps.

http://www.radiolab.org/story/91580-stress/?utm_source=local&utm_media=treatment&utm_campaign=daMost&utm_content=damostlistened if you're interested!

npifko said...

This is the best video and I LOVE the new co-host!!! HE IS THE CUTEST!! :)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Teddy is adorable. Thanks for sharing pictures!

Pia said...

They both look absolutely delicious! I'm due in 5 weeks and while watching the video just kept thinking, "I get one of those soon!" (a baby, not a Dutch baby. Though hopefully maybe both). Congratulations!

Amelia Morris said...

Awww, so exciting! I'm already nostalgic for those two days in the hospital afterwards… it's all so SPECIAL. Wishing you the best!! xo

Unknown said...

So many thoughts! So glad you didn't really go on a "maternity leave" and are back so soon with this. Teddy---gahh! How ridiculously cute is he? Love at first blink. Mavis on the couch looking lonely but yet content--also awesome. All around fantastic, two very enthusiastic thumbs up.

Amelia Morris said...

Thanks so much, Allie!!

tori said...

Oh my- congratulations. He is absolutely gorgeous. Nb, the novelty of kissing their faces doesn't get old. What gets even better is when they open mouth gum your cheeks right back. So good.

Anonymous said...

I just found your site; love it. You are such a hilarious, down-to-earth gal...and your baby is super-cute!

Amelia Morris said...

awww, thanks!!

Katherine {eggton} said...

Dudes! This is so exciting! Can you please make a video of Mavis teaching Teddy how to crawl? Or Teddy teaching Mavis how to crawl--however it plays out is fine with me. I realize that this request might come a little bit early, so I'm prepared to wait a week or two.:)

Meaghan said...

I haven't had a spare moment to watch the Teddy video until now, and I'm jumping up and down like a frantic Bela Karolyi for you all! He's precious. Perfect 10! I want to stitch him something...can I? E-mail me, I guess? oh[dot]meaghan[at]gmail[dot]com

Amelia Morris said...

lolzzz... and emailing you now!!

ElizSeg said...

Just so you know, Mavis is a purrrrrfectly good choice to watch adorable baby Teddy according to F.Puss, who was Ernest Hemingway's yellow-eyed, six-toed, babysitting CAT. Mavis has F. Puss beat simply by being a dog. Duh.

Not. Kidding. You writers need to be able to depend on your domestic animals for something more than a little cuddle...

Jennifer said...

I love the shots of Mavis and Teddy. She looks to be dealing well. :) You look great! Congratulations
Jennifer Dominquez