
Dance While Your Baby Sleeps

Some of youreferring to the cover I did of Robyn's "Call Your Girlfriend"recently commented that it was time for me to do another music video attempt. But honestly, in the last three years, the thought has barely crossed my mind. OK, maybe it did once or twice while watching Beyonce's "Drunk in Love." (Sidebar: while I could stare at Beyonce all day long, I have mixed feelings about her visual album! I know. People are totally going to Internet-kill me for saying that.)

Anyway, like I said, I thought that the Robyn video was the beginning and end of my foray into covering music videos/performances. But then, major inspiration hit when I saw Future Islands, one of my favorite bands (their album On the Water is one of those where, in my opinion, every single song is awesome) perform their latest release on Letterman, and within minutes, I was sending Matt the link and asking him where we could find a bunch of cheap blue lights so that we could attempt this video at home this weekend. (Uhm, if you look very carefully, you can see the two blueish lights in the left of the frame.)

I was probably also encouraged to have some fun this weekend by the fact that earlier in the week, I sent in the final draft of my book and therefore, I knew I could spend some time celebrating / dancing. Oh and also, in the five year history of this site, I don't think I've ever plugged a product that was sent to me, but I gotta say that the Gir spatula makes for a really great microphone, and, truth be told, a pretty awesome spatula too.

OK, byyye!
p.s. If you're new to the site, see below for the video that started this mess!


  1. Totally recording our next album on the GIR spatula microphone! xoxoxo

  2. 1) I haven't laughed out loud like an animal in a long time, thank you. 2) How are Mavis and Teddy not bouncing around with you? 3) I only know their names because I have been reading your blog for the last 5 years! :) I can't wait for your book to come out. - AEV

    1. Thank you so much for reading for all these years!! [Only T-minus 10 months til the book comes out! :) ]

  3. You've done it again!!

    This is the best advertisement GIR could hope for.

    Beautiful home corner!

  4. THANK YOU. Just… thank you for that. Day = made.

  5. So funny! Especially like the animated guitarist.

    1. OOPS! That's "Marsha"

    2. I don't know, Marsah kind of has a ring to it. ;)

  6. Love your video, little Teddy's swing was a going to, so, so cute!

  7. DUDE. You're fucking amazing. Also, I want a bed that moves like that!

    1. Of everyone I know, you *would* have a bed like that.


  8. Replies
    1. Thanks, Carmen! Let's get the babies together and shoot another version someday!

  9. This is brilliant, particularly at 2:59. Love your work Amelia!

  10. We started making family music videos in the 80's. Some off us had to be forced to do them while others had to be forced to stop. Looking back, they are priceless. Yours are two of the best.

    1. ahhh, I love that. And can't wait to record Teddy in singing-and-dancing action!!

  11. this is so awesome! what a fun family teddy has! I was first introduced to this site by a link to the first music video attempt, woohoo!!

  12. Replies
    1. And by funny, you mean, "a really good dancer," right? ;)

  13. This is hilarious. I'm also mesmerized by Teddy's space ship swing.

    1. It's called a Mamaroo and he's in it as I type. :)

  14. AwesomenessinasaucethatisBonAppetempt!

  15. Hahahahaha!! Did Mavis scream at the end of it all "How about that? I'll take all of that you've got!" like Letterman did? Your guitar player is awesome, and Herring is a magical combination of Marlon Brando and the guy who used to live in our basement!

    1. hahahahaah I *wish* Mavis was half as impressed as Letterman was! Herring is the new Robyn!! (obviously)

  16. I am also a long time reader that first came to the site to watch your first music video nearly three years ago and enjoyed this one just as much (maybe a little more, if we're honest here. how can the first compete when this one includes a baby?!). So looking forward to your book.
    My husband's comment on this video: holy shit! look at that baby swing! let's get one of those for baby #2 (our daughter is 8 months old...he's thinking WAAAAAAAY ahead, apparently).

    1. Also...I think that could be a good post-baby workout. Think of all the inner thigh action!! :)

    2. Hi, jen! Thanks for commenting! It tooootally was a great post-baby workout... something I've been Googling these days. ;)

  17. Thanks for making my day - so awesome! I wish you were my next door neighbor. And yes, I would love to nap in a baby swing-thing like that too.

  18. are there Mamaroo's for adults?

    1. Wow. Looks like the Mamaroo people have a new venture to consider!

  19. Replies
    1. If you're referring to Teddy, I couldn't agree more!!

  20. Love the range (chasm?) of energy you captured between the bandmates. Looking forward to the book as well!

  21. YESSSSSSSS. Thanks for a dose of glorious and goofy joy, a new favorite song, and you being you. Also lil baby sleepin' FTW. Oh and the bassist's weird facial tics. "I'll take all of that you got."

    1. hahahahaha I LOVE Letterman even more for having been moved by his performance too!!

  22. Adam and I rocked out to this vid! Thanks!! You are an awesome bassist! Cool blazer!

    1. Thanks, Mare. Let's shoot your and Adam's version next!

  23. This is AMAZING, I love it! You definitely made me laugh out loud on a thunderstorm-filled Saturday and I thank you for that. Your attempt was decidedly more adorable than the original, with the additions of Teddy and Mavis. I urge you to google The Washington Post article titled 'What women want on the dance floor, according to Science' if you haven't seen it already, I think some of the dance moves in this video came directly from the avatars demonstrating in that article. I hope it gives you a laugh as you gave me.

    1. hahahaha: "researchers found no relation between arm movement and dancing ability" Thanks, Kira!

  24. Oh my god I don't think I have ever been so pumped to watch something. Sean and I watched the original like 16 times and marveled at the sheer insanity and I totally just started to watch and then somehow found the willpower to stop and wait until Sean's done putting the boys to bed. And yes this is so awesome that I am commenting BEFORE I'VE EVEN SEEN IT.

    1. oh man. Hope it lived up to the hype!! xox

    2. It SOOO did! The bassist killed me!

      I plan to watch this about a million more times.

  25. great stuff! thanks for introducing me to Future Islands too - Its been on repeat ever since I bought the album!

  26. the robyn post was the first one i read too! you are amazing.. teddy is so lucky to have you two as parents! xx

    1. Aww, that's super sweet of you to say, Olivia!! Thanks.

  27. jajaja me encantó!! sos como yo! una loca linda y divertida! No sé como caí en este post, pero ahora voy a empezar a leerlo todo.
    Un beso grande desde la otra punta de América!
    Berisso,Buenos Aires, Argentina.

  28. saw this and thought of you http://time.com/61640/robyn-royksopp-do-it-again-monument/
    and then i come here to find you have a new video!

  29. You look like Ellen.


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