
Video Attempt: Chocolate Date Cake

I just want to momentarily reiterate how delicious this cake was. Even if you don't think you like dates, you will like this cake. (Of course, it didn't hurt that we used some of the best dates I've ever tasted.) But truly, this was so good, so dense and chocolatey, it might even be Matt's birthday cake (although he just said he thinks funfetti will win out in the end).

Chocolate Date Cake adapted from Mast Brothers Chocolate: A Family Cookbook
serves 8

2 cups water
2 teaspoons baking soda
14 oz. dates (khadrawys if you can find them)
3/4 cup (1 1/2 sticks) unsalted butter, room temperature
1 cup sugar
1 egg
2 cups all-purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon salt
14 oz. dark chocolate, chopped (or more if you'd like to reserve some to sprinkle on top of the finished cake)
1/2 cup pecans, chopped (or more if you'd like to reserve some to sprinkle on top of the finished cake)
1 or 2 tablespoons powdered sugar (optional)

Remove and discard the pits from the dates. Bring water to a boil with the baking soda. Add the dates to the water and remove from heat. Let them soak for 30 minutes. 

Preheat oven to 375F. Butter a 9-inch round cake pan.

Cream butter with sugar in an electric mixer until fluffy. Add the egg and mix until fully incorporated. Add the salt and then the flour 1/2 cup at a time until just combined.

Drain the dates and add them to the mixture. Add the chocolate and pecans and mix until evenly distributed. Transfer the batter to the cake pan and using a rubber spatula, spread it to the edges of the pan.

Bake for 30 minutes (When it's done, the edges will be set while the center will be slightly wobbly and pretty molten when you cut into it) (and pretty awesome). Finish by topping it off with a bit of chopped chocolate, pecans, and a dusting of the powdered sugar, if using. Most importantly though: serve warm! 


  1. Oh man, this was crazy good. I give it five bags of popcorn.

  2. this looks really good! (and so do you, Amelia!)

    1. awww, thanks, Sara! (I think I look pretty haggard myself!) :) :)

  3. Ah, I was really on the fence about getting this cookbook, but that cake looks amazing and if it has your endorsement it belongs in my kitchen :)

  4. Hi Amelia, you look great! the cake looks great too. Adding dates is a interesting twist.

    1. Thanks, Cheri! The cake is seriously one of the BEST.

  5. What kind of chocolate did you use?

    1. ahh, yes, I should specify in the recipe. I used dark chocolate (I think 70%?) -- the Trader Joe's brand that comes in the green packaging, if that helps!

  6. I need to make a birthday cake for my husband soon and you may have just convinced me to make this. Sounds fantastic! I've heard the cookbook is gorgeous, but yes to clear to directions. Seriously, how many people had a heart attack when the directions said to pour that thick batter?! I would have done the Marge Simpson groan for sure.

  7. Dates are the bomb. Date cake is the bombest. China Ranch Date Farm has some next-level dates. I'm going to check out 7hotdates now.

  8. This looks killer. Date lover here, for sure. I think I'll tackle it tonight. Will write down antonyms for "pour" with the batter as I go... mush and dump? Ha.
    Teddy is adorable, btw.

    1. thanks, kelsey! I totally agree. :)

      And please report back if you make it... maybe you'll get a pourable batter after all??

  9. My roommate is making this right now, and his batter resembles something pourable. I think the key may be to add the dates while still warm so the chocolate melts and the batter comes together a bit more.

  10. Teddy is so stinking cute! And I think you look great.

    As an experienced baker, the cake freaked me out when I made it tonight. It tastes delicious but like in your video, it doesn't really set. It resembles undercooked cookie dough.
    My husband loved it all gooey but I am waiting to eat a normal sized piece until the morning...

    I love your blog. I'm so glad I stumbled upon it. You're hilarious.

    1. thank you so much!! and nice to hear that you had a similar experience... Do you think next time you'd let it go longer? Though I think the edges would probably burn...

  11. Might be pourable if the date soak water is added? Anyway, looks amazing for a next day cake! Sweet Teddy looks pretty delish too : )

  12. On first glance I thought this "date cake" was one guaranteed to make somebody fall in love.

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    1. if she doesn't reply, then she's not interested. stop spamming the world with your content farms. kthnxbye!

  14. Ya know who dont look sleep-deprived! TEDDY!

    That cake looks righteous and I want to make it!!!!!!!!!!! xo

  15. OK after reading the comments, it seems like the thing to do is to tell new moms how great they look. OOPS! Hey girl, you look great!!!!! xoxo

    1. hahahaaha don't worry, Mare. I know the truth!! #haggard

  16. Oh I DID let it go longer...about 15 more minutes. The top certainly looked done and I think it's just gooey because of the dates. It's delicious this morning and more set just like you displayed in the video. * I should have had faith.* Maybe next time I will reduce the date meat by 1/3 or so and see what happens?

  17. Sold! I'll be baking this cake soon.

  18. Hi. I agree (everyone looks fantastic). Did you really give The Spectacular Now 5 bags and 2 flasks? Cause I ADORED it and keep asking Tim when we can see it again.

    1. Karaaa! I ADORED the movie too! Cannot wait to re-watch either. See, 5 bags of popcorn and 2 flasks is actually a really high rating if you're going off the rating system as presented in On Cinema at the Cinema, which is this hilarious web show Matt and I are currently really into: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sPIniCEtY9U

  19. Dear Amelia,
    I I just made this cake, and it is fantastic! I am very thankful for this recipe. I am not sure I want to buy the book as I have too many cookbooks, but use them rarely. I will definitely check the cookbook at my local library, which luckily has the book in circulation.

  20. Hi! Do you think I could use dried dates for the recipe?

    P.S I love your blog and a very big mazel tov on your baby!

    1. Thank you so much!! And yes, absolutely... Though the original recipe doesn't specify, I think they actually meant dried dates over fresh.

  21. This is all sorts of amazing (the cake AND the video). I was cooking up a storm when my kiddo was 6 weeks old, too, and it was def. touch and go. More power to you!

  22. I just got this cookbook from the library (my trick... library first, then if I love it, buy it). It is GORGEOUS. But agreed, sparse on the deets. I might need to make this one first since it looks so delish! Thanks for the additional details.

    1. Yes! I love getting cookbooks from the library and am usually glad to try before I buy. Has definitely saved me from having a shelf-full of underused cookbooks.

  23. Thanks for posting this recipe! I made it last night, and I agree there are not enough details! For the dates and chocolate, is 14 ounces a volume measurement (1.5 c) or a weight measurement (almost 1 lb!!)? I might have made this wrong.

    1. Hi Carolyn! So sorry I'm late in getting back to you. I understood the directions to be a weight measurement, so just went by the ounces as they were marked on the bars of chocolate I bought. Maybe your cake didn't come out perfectly but maybe it still tasted delicious? I hope so!!

  24. Wow, this looks good. I totally love your videos, they always make me smile :)

    And I'm really glad the cake stood up well after being refrigerated overnight. Cake for breakfast = awesome.

    1. Thanks, Hannah! And yes, the cake stands up well for just about a week!


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