
Kiawah, South Carolina

Just last summer, we met up with my family in Wrightsville Beach, North Carolina, and though I was pregnant at the time, Matt and I were still, for all intents and purposes, the kids at the dinner table, or at the beach, or, well, anywhere we were hanging out with my mom, stepdad, and Grandma. 

But so much can happen in one year. 
Last Saturday, we woke up at 4:30am EDT, got dressed, packed up our rental car, said goodbye to Matt's parents, and then, as quickly and smoothly as possible, grabbed Teddy from his dark, white-noise-filled room, tucked him into his car seat, and drove the 45 minutes to the Charleston airport. From there, we took our now-awake son with us on a short flight to Charlotte and then a long one from Charlotte to Los Angeles. At LAX, I purchased myself some Alleve and said goodbye to Matt and Teddy who were off to baggage claim. My job was to catch the shuttle to the airport hotel where we'd parked the car in one of their longterm lots, find the car (not always easy to do), and then drive back to the airport to collect my husband, infant, and luggage. By the time we opened the door to the house (after swinging by the store to pick up some fresh food as all I'd had to eat that day was one Kind bar and one Lärabar and several Alleve), it was 2:30pm PDT. 

Which I bring up all to say: we are no longer the kids at the table! We are grown-ups. We are in charge of another person, a person we can take on a plane with absolutely zero documentation that even proves he belongs to us. (The night before we left for South Carolina, Matt turned to me and said: "This is a stupid question but he doesn't need an ID or anything, does he?" I looked at him blank faced for a solid minute before responding, "I don't think so?")
But the headache that is modern-day travel was so worth it. Teddy got to meet his aunts, uncles and three cousins; and Matt and I got lots of rest, relaxation, and crab cakes.
And when we got home, as it was Matt's birthday last weekend, we got cake. This year, he wanted vanilla cake with vanilla icing, so I just followed the funfetti recipe from last year, leaving out the sprinkles. 
Hope you all had a great weekend! My mom is in town visiting again and hopefully we can get her to shoot another video with us. Fingers crossed.


  1. Wish we were still in Kiawah. xoxoxo

  2. It's always a good Monday morning when you have a new post. I love the photo of you and Teddy. That's kind of freaky about the lack of ID...

  3. Sounds like a wonderful time.....your cake is wonderful, great decorating!

  4. i never want to see alligators and cute babies in the same post! and totally about that baby with no id thing right? so weird. the cake looks really awesome!

  5. You make being a grown-up look extremely fun. Thanks for another beautiful post <3

  6. Is that a hand-stitched peacock?

    Love the happy person in the Belle dress. Children are so useful for distracting us from the despairs and worries of public life (and then we need to go back and make our voices heard there to leave them a better world).

  7. this cake is so f-ing beautiful!!!!

  8. Love the cake and your family pics!


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