
Video: Rice-Cooker Blueberry Pancake

Rice-Cooker Blueberry Pancake
makes 1 giant pancake*

*We have a really large rice cooker. If you have a more sensibly-sized one, you probably want to halve this recipe.

2 cups all-purpose flour, (spooned and leveled)
4 tablespoons sugar
4 teaspoons baking powder
1 teaspoon salt
2 cups milk
4 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted, or vegetable oil
2 large eggs
A heaping cup of blueberries
the zest of one lemon
maple syrup and more butter, to serve

In the bowl of your rice cooker, whisk together the flour, sugar, baking powder, and salt. Give it a mix. Add in the milk, butter, and eggs. Stir until just moistened. Add the blueberries and lemon zest and give it one last gentle stir to combine.

Place the bowl in the rice cooker, close the lid, and press the "cook" button. After a few minutes our rice cooker switched to the "keep warm" setting, but our pancake was nowhere close to being done. Everything we read online told us to keep it in there for 45 minutes. We did, and then some. After an hour and a half, ours finally looked cooked. And voila, it was!

Serve with a bit of butter and maple syrup.


  1. It ended up being more of a straight-forward "cake" don't you think? But surprisingly good... Are there any benefits to cooking a cake or giant pancake this way besides fun? xoxox

  2. Where did this whacky method originate?

    1. I don't know! But I first heard about it here: http://en.rocketnews24.com/2014/06/14/how-to-make-epic-pancakes-with-your-japanese-rice-cooker/

  3. We used the white noise machine religiously for the first few months of our baby's life, I would hear it in my dreams.

  4. My daughter will go bananas for this recipe. Did you like the taste? Thanks for posting!

    1. Hi Michelle! Yes, it tasted delicious! The texture is slightly different than your average pancake--just a bit gummier, you know? But we ate the whole thing (over the course of a few days). :)

  5. Could I make this without a rice cooker?

    1. Yes. It's called a pancake.

      Think, Mary Anne, think!

    2. This isn't funny. But this is really funny.

  6. What size is your rice cooker?

  7. What a funny shape! Too tall for a pancake, too short for a cupcake.

    I wish pancakes didn't make me feel guilty. They taste so good. But I heard they're nutritionally worse than nothing.

  8. I have cooked this recipe for my husband Jason. He just loved it. I want to say thanks to you. Keep sharing.


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