
Tomato and Basil Bruschetta

I think the main takeaway here is: purple basil does not necessarily make for purple pesto.

Soooo, it's not like we're trying to reinvent the wheel here. But I do like Nigel's liberal use of the broiler in this recipe. In my normal, not-recorded-for-the-purposes-of-this-blog life, I tend to forget about the broiler, but it really can make fast work of things, as this bruschetta kindly reminded me.
Speaking of making fast work of things, as I don't have the time to write a proper post, here are a few links to things I've been reading and watching:

1. I often find myself worrying that we are all going to end up like the people in WALL-E, riding around in hovering cars/golf-carts, staring at our screens all day long. Sooo, I kind of loved this article

2. This was a beautiful movie, though it made me really sad. 

3. I've found a new favorite writer in Rebecca Solnit. Right now I'm reading this but can't wait to read more of her work.

4. On Cinema at the Cinema is back for season 5! 

5. Rumor has it there's a big tweet brewing! #huge

That's all for now, friends. Will write more soon! And we have a new video that should be ready for next week!
Tomato and Basil Bruschetta just barely adapted from Nigel Slater's Notes from the Larder
makes 4 toasts
(Note: we doubled this recipe because 4 toasts doesn't quite cut it around here for lunch.)

6 tablespoons olive oil
1/2 cup basil
a few tablespoons of grated Parmesan
4 sprigs of cherry tomatoes on the vine (or about half a pint's worth)
4 slices of crusty white bread
4 marinated artichoke hearts

Preheat the broiler. Pour the oil into a blender. Add the Parmesan. Tear up the basil and add it to the oil and Parm, then blend to a smooth green (err, black?) puree. Place the sprigs of tomatoes, still on the vine if you wish (If only we'd had tomatoes on the vine!), on a baking sheet and broil till the skins just start to blacken and burst here and there. Place the slices of bread on the baking sheet and pour over the basil oil. Season with salt and black pepper, then place under the broiler for a couple of minutes, till the edges are crisp.

Place a sprig of cooked tomatoes on each and tuck in the artichokes, halved or sliced. Serve immediately, while the toast is still hot and crisp.


  1. I'd never heard of purple basil until you brought it home. #huge. xoxo

  2. Ooo - thanks for the movie tip! I really liked Eddie in Pillars of the Earth. They're not releasing period pieces fast enough for my consumption.

    I love meals that are fast yet rustic-fancy.

  3. Never heard of purple basil but it looks gorgeous!

  4. 2. Ooh. Can't resist Eddie Redmayne.

    3. Ooh again! Thanks!

    As for broilers, a friend only recently enlightened me to the fact that the storage drawer under the oven was actually a fiery pit for food. No wonder my stored cheesecloth kept burning! I chalk this up to being raised in an immigrant family household where no one actually used the oven. I always thought all broilers looked like those restaurant salamanders.

    1. hahahahaa At our old apartment the broiler was one of those drawer-like ones at the bottom of the oven. I don't get those kind! They're just scary... and there's like one inch of room for food??

  5. I love my opal basil, however, you are right, like purple beans and purple cauliflower, it doesn't stay that beautiful bright purple color when you cook it!!! The only thing that stays purple when cooked, are purple potatoes!

  6. This bruschetta looks perfect for my NY lifestyle! Quick, easy, cheap yet beautiful and fancy! I shall serve it at my first dinner party.

    Clicking on all your links now - fun!


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