
The Book Cover!

Dear Friends,
I’ve been looking forward to this post for a long time. Because, as you can see from the above image, I finally get to share the cover of my book with you. Go ahead, spend some time with it—there’s no rush!

My regular readers (Hi! Thank you!) will certainly recognize a few things. Like Mavis. Or The Vivianne. Or Matt’s Funfetti Cake. Or my grandma’s Belgian Waffles. (If you can’t see what I'm talking about, don’t worry. After a few more paragraphs of text, there’s a semi-annotated version—I just couldn’t help myself!)

My regular readers (Hi again! Thank you!) might remember that I’ve actually had the book cover for a little while, and so perhaps you’re wondering why I’m only now unveiling it. Well, in short, because I didn’t want you to get sick of me talking about the book when we were still nine months out from publication. But now that we’re down to just four short months (some of them holiday-filled), I’m going to start saying things like this: please pre-order my book!

Speaking of pre-ordering, I’ve created this landing page for the book, full of generous blurbs and lots of links to places where you can pre-order it. (Very unfortunately, because of a cutthroat negotiating tactic meant to put pressure on my publisher, Hachette, you cannot pre-order the book on Amazon). But don’t get toooooo discouraged!  <—I’m mostly talking to myself here. You can order it anywhere else books are sold, and of course, you can always call your local bookstore and ask them to order it for you. If you chose this latter option, that would mean the WORLD to me.

Relatedly, we are in the middle of planning a little book tour. Right now, this consists of four cities: Los Angeles; NYC; Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; and Raleigh, North Carolina. If you live in any of these cities, I would LOVE to meet you and really hope that I get to! If you don’t live in any of these cities and want me (and Teddy) (and maybe even Matt?) to come to your town, then the only other option is to make this book a bestseller, which will in turn, allow my publisher to spend more money on marketing the book, which in turn, will allow me and my family to travel without paying for everything ourselves! Sound like a plan? Great! Let’s dooooooooo it!

OK, so, here’s that annotated version of the cover:
Now it’s time for me to get to the grocery store. But thank you again, guys! For reading, for your support, for everything.

Until next week!


  1. I'm excited to finish the book trailer and do this tour thang! xoxoxo

  2. Congratulations! So exciting and can't wait to read it.

  3. Wow! Such a beautiful cover! Who is the illustrator?
    PS. I work at a local bookstore, so I can assure you that's where I'll be buying it. This Hachette/Amazon thing is getting too crazy.

    1. Thank you!! The artist's name is Emily Robertson. And yes, the feud is totally getting crazy. The silver lining is that it seems to be benefiting local stores like yours, right?!

  4. Replies
    1. I knowwww. I mean, I would die to get to SF... If I can just get this little book to go viral... :) :)

  5. I'm so happy for you! I cannot wait to get my hands on a copy. Oh, and isn't the pumpkin a post, too? Congratulations!!!

    1. Good eye, Holly! The pumpkin is totally a post. And thank you for your support!!

  6. SO EXCITED FOR YOU GUYS!! JUST ORDERED IT!!! Theodore has a so much to be proud of (ending in prepositions is grammatically incorrect).

    1. xoxoxoxox Thank you, Nava! (and Soor and Raena and Shaya!)

  7. Wow! Congratulations Amelia! What exciting news! So happy for you - cant wait to own my own copy.

  8. Replies
    1. A million thank yous!! Your enthusiasm is making my day!!

  9. Yay! I just ordered my copy! I've been addicted to your blog since your interview with Lynne Rossetto Kasper on the Splendid Table! Can't wait!

    1. Thank you soooooo much, Hailey!! I really want to repay you loyal readers somehow! I just don't know how...yet!

  10. OMG - Matt's comment just reminded me that your book trailer might be the best thing to ever exist (no pressure!) Can't wait to get this book in my hands. The cover is SO GOOD.

    1. Thank you, Nicole! re: the book trailer, I gotta work on my movie trailer voice-over voice! ;)

  11. i iz so excite!
    would pre-ordering at the uk-based book depository be good for stats and such?

    1. I hadn't heard of the book depository before (thank you for bringing it to my attention!)--I can't say I know, one way or another. But any way you order it, I will be most grateful!

    2. Book depository is owned by Amazon but your book is still available for pre order there. For others in Australia, its also on Booktopia. Congrats Amelia! Can't wait to read it.

  12. Reading this post made me very excited about your book and now reading the comments has made me equally excited about your book trailer. Book trailer!!

    1. Thanks, Sasha! If only Teddy would cooperate more with our shooting schedule. :)

  13. Can't wait to see you in NYC! Truly thrilled for you.

    1. Thanks, Julie!! As soon as I know where the event is, I'll post it here.

  14. ordered and can't wait! so happy and excited for you!!!!

    1. a million thank yous for your support now and over the years!!

  15. so excited and happy for you!

  16. Gonna call up Greenlight Books and ask them to order it for me!

  17. Congrats Amelia! I will be the first overseas preorder! Love the cover by the way

    1. Thank you!! I so appreciate it. And I bet you could make a pretty cool cover yourself. :)

  18. Amelia,

    SO excited for your book! Please come to Dallas on part two of your tour! ;) (pending Ebola...)


    1. Would LOVE to make it to Dallas. We'l see..... :)

  19. YAY! I'm so excited to read this. I wish I could assign it to my students...maybe you guys should do a film adaptation of the book? Just a thought! :P Congratulations!

    P.S. Totally spotted Mavis and thought "IS THAT MAVIS?" and realized it was once I spotted Matt's birthday cake.

    1. Thank you, Sara!! Mavis is beyond full of herself now. It's a problem.

  20. Huzzah! Hoping sales bring you North of the border! Toronto loves you ... at least the Torontonians I know do...and they are all pretty cool. We will head to our locals and order the book pronto. Many congrats!

  21. Wow! Congratulations. I can't wait to read it. I adore your writing!

  22. Congratulations!!! Can't wait to read it!

  23. THIS IS SO EXCITING!!!! I won't even hold it against you that you're not coming to Colorado. Bravo, girl. I can't wait to get my paws on it soon.

    1. Thank you, Kelsey! Would love to get to Colorado someday though... sighhh

  24. This will be keeping me company on the beach at Sydney this summer. Cannot wait. Congratulations! x

  25. Tardy for the party, but it's a beaut! I'm so excited for this. Congratulations! BTW - I insist you come to DC, though! COME ON!

  26. ordered. Thrilled for you!! and excited to read your book. You're a very good writer, Amelia. I hope it will be possible for you to come to Montréal at some point!
    Who illustrated the cover?

    1. Thank you, Candice! I so appreciate your support.

  27. op! I see, Emily Robertson. Lovely work.

  28. Replies
    1. Thanks so much, Rachel! You've been such a longtime supporter!!

  29. Do you know when will you be in Raleigh?! I owe my friend a visit and would very much like these two adventures to coincide.

    1. Your timing is perfect! We just got the word that we'll be at Quail Ridge Books on Saturday afternoon 2/14... (Valentine's Day). Really hope you can make it!!

  30. Where and when in Pittsburgh?! I most likely will be in Paris but you never know, it might coincide with a visit home. Would be so fun to attend!

    1. Hi!! Where are you from in Pittsburgh? (Go Steelers?) The reading is set for Wed. Feb 11th at 7pm at the Barnes and Noble at the South Hills Village... (We're from Mt. Lebanon originally.) Really hope to see you there!!!

    2. I grew up in Sewickley and went to Quaker Valley. And yes go Steelers (although I'm not the best fan!) Unfortunately I won't be in town at that time and sad to miss out but have fun! My mom is visiting in March so I'm going to have her bring your book for me!


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