
Video: Beet and Goat Cheese Terrine

Season 3 kicks off with a whimperliterally!

p.s. Do any of you remember the last time I made a terrine? This one (obviously?) tasted much better. And in the future, I hope not to wait so long before making another. They're really quite satisfying endeavors: the building, the unmolding, and the slicing!

Beet and Goat Cheese Terrine adapted from The Art of Eating Well
4 purple (magenta?) beets, about 10 oz.
4 golden beets (or any other color!), about 10 oz.
2 tablespoons chopped fresh oregano (or chives) (or any other herb you think might go well)
3-4 tablespoons chopped fresh parsley
3 garlic cloves, finely chopped or grated
14-16 oz. of goat cheese, room temperature
special equipment: a loaf pan around the size of 4 x 8 inches. (The one I used was 4 x 11, so I got a slightly shorter terrine.)

Line the loaf pan with parchment paper, leaving enough paper hanging over so that you can easily cover the terrine when the pan is full.

Scrub the beets, then place in a pan, cover with water, and bring to a boil; cook at a simmer for about 30-40 minutes until tender. Set aside to cool, then peel.

Meanwhile, mix all the herbs and garlic with the goat cheese in a bowl and season to taste.

Slice the cooked beets into various circular thicknesses, some 1/8th inch, some 1/4 inch.

Put a layer of golden beets along the bottom of the pan, remembering that this layer is going to be the top of your terrine, so you might want to make it look nice. Here, the recipe tells you to spread a thin layer of the goat cheese on top, but I found more success in placing a glob of goat cheese on one of the beet slices and then pressing that on top of the first layer of beets, trying to make sure that I had a solid, wall-to-wall layer of goat cheese between them. Do this (using a bit less goat cheese for the rest of the layers) until you're halfway up the loaf pan (or until you've run out of golden beets). Then, move on to your purple beets. Continue along until you're out of beets and goat cheese.

Pull the parchment paper over so all the terrine is covered. Place a weight on top of the pan and leave in the fridge overnight or for 8 hours to set.

Cover the set terrine with a plate and turn upside down to remove it. Slice and serve your gorgeous terrine.


  1. Beetloaf yum!! xoxo Also, it is shoot for the moon even though the adage doesn't really stand up to scrutiny.

  2. Who knew terrines were that easy? I'm totally going to make this the next time I have people over. I have a feeling their minds will be boggled, as mine is right now. I love that shot of Mavis sniffing Teddy.

  3. Dude, this is gorgeous!

    My mom is coming to visit this week. She sent me a text a few weeks ago asking what dates she should come. I texted back "why don't you come Thursday to Sunday?" I didn't hear from her for an hour and then she sent me a message that said "Okay, perfect! I booked a ticket. I'm arriving Wednesday morning and leaving Monday night."

  4. the 5 year old and I think it's really pretty too! we are adding it to our thanksgiving menu, thank you. oh, and my daughter said "look!, the baby is walking already!!"...yes he is :)

  5. My mom and I loved your video and we really sympathized with your mom / got teary. :( :(

  6. Girlfriend, yours is 3 " longer...a mistake a guy would never make☺️

  7. That looks so good! I think I might try and find some golden beets this week. love your videos too :) I've gone on a youtube bender so am now up to date. So glad I found your blog :) love it!

  8. I think I'm going to make this for Thanksgiving. Would you mind sharing where you found your terrine (pan)? I'm having a hard time finding one outside of Le Creuset.

    1. Don't mind at all: it's from IKEA! And yes, would be great for Thanksgiving because you can do it all ahead of time!

    2. Perfect! There is an IKEA right near my house - I shall stop by this week! Thanks so much!


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