
The Bon Appétempt Infomercial

Every book should have its own infomercial, right? I mean, what if we could sell as many books as Snuggies®?!

But if deep discounts aren't your thing, don't worry! We've got more videos coming, including another one later this week. To mix things up, it's an actual cooking video and it's of a recipe from the book! See you then!


  1. Bruce seems pretty into it. I'm sold. Thanks for the price-slasher!

  2. Amelia!!! I bought two copies of your book (one for my sister) a couple of weeks ago. If I screenshot the receipt am I still eligible for the personalized video thank you?

    1. Thank you so much for buying two copies already, Jessica! And YES, you're absoluuuuuutely eligible!! :)

  3. Oh Amelia. You are amazing. I am so excited for your soon-to-be published book- long-time lurker, first-time commenter here (I know you get this all of the time). You have the food blog of all food blogs, and I am sure your book will follow suit. If you are ever looking for another reader for your unpublished novel, I would love to offer myself up! ANNNNDDD... I highly recommend that you and Matt and Teddy and Mavis get yourselves up to Seattle on your book tour. Just a suggestion :)

    1. ahhhh, what an amazing comment(s)!! Thank you so so so much, Jenna! We would absolutely love to get to Seattle (and to Vancouver, BC while we're up there?)... Perhaps someday?? Thank you again!!

    2. YES- Vancouver and maybe throw in the San Juan Islands as well! Really make the most of it :)

  4. BRUCE pretty much makes this video.

  5. Bruce took that over the top. Huge fan. I cannot wait to dive into my copy!

  6. LOTS OF LOLS, you pot-sweetener, you.

  7. Big congrats onthe book!! And the informercial :) Trying to write one myself and it ain't easy zx

  8. Congrats on your cookbook Amelia, I just bought a copy yesterday from Amazon, cannot wait.

  9. I am so excited that you are coming to Pittsburgh! I plan to stop by B&N to meet you while you're here. My daughter wants to fly in from Boston to come get her copy of your book signed. We will see what happens!

    1. That's so cool that you'll be at the Pittsburgh reading! And I hope your daughter makes it too!! Looking forward to meeting you!

  10. Thank you, as always, for making my day. Can't wait to read THAT BOOK!!!

    1. You're super welcome, Kate. Thanks for buying a copy!

  11. Come to Minneapolis! Also: I was picturing this video (Bruce) when reading the book.

  12. Please come to Seattle! We would love to host you at our vacation home in the San Juan Islands. We grow oysters on our beach. My ten-year-old son and I are huge fans!


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