
Acknowledgments / Thank YOU!

Dear Friends,
My book finally comes out tomorrow(!), but before it's officially out there, I'd like to take a moment to publicly thank some of the people who helped me along the way. Below, I'm copying and pasting the "Acknowledgments" from my book, which I've annotated slightly, mostly because it's been a year since I wrote them and a lot of things can happen in a year. (I'm also including links where I can.)
First and foremost, I want to thank the readers of my blog. Without all of you, this book would never have happened. I especially want to thank those who, through their thoughtful comments on the site and occasional e-mails, became more than just readers but cheerleaders and friends. Whether you knew it or not, your digital messages often served as tangible proof I actually had readers, which translated into quiet encouragement to continue the blog (and to continue writing in general).

I want to thank my agent Amy Hughes for calling me three years ago and proposing the idea for this book as well as for her continued support through this whole process, not to mention other important processes, e.g., childbirth and child-rearing.

I want to thank my editor Emily Griffin, who encouraged me to write the kind of book I always wanted to write and who took so much care not only with this manuscript but also with me. I like to joke with my writing students about how writers are naturally fragile, self-conscious, sensitive creatures, and during the writing of this book, I was all of these as well as pregnant, and then very pregnant and grieving. I couldn’t have asked for a better or more understanding person to help me shape this book.

I want to thank Wendy Brenner—my professor and thesis director while I was at the University of North Carolina Wilmington—who has always encouraged my writing, both fiction and non-, and who has been a reader and supporter of the blog from the very beginning. I also want to thank her for convincing me to watch the 1948 classic film The Red Shoes during a time period when I was feeling particularly down and out. She wrote to me, “the MOVIE is insolent and…you (Amelia) have to be insolent (defiant) to be an artist of any kind.” It was exactly what I needed to hear at the time.

I also want to thank my other writing professors who believed in me enough to allow me to believe in myself (if even for a few fleeting moments). I’m referring to you: Rebecca Lee, Lucy Bucknell, and Stephen Dixon.

I want to thank my fellow “food bloggers,” or perhaps better-put, this creative, supportive community I’ve found myself in; specifically, Tim from Lottie and Doof, Luisa from The Wednesday Chef, Kimberley from The Year in Food, Sarah from The Yellow House, Kelsey from Happyolks, and Tannaz from All Kinds of Yum. Each one of you and your sites have been sources of encouragement as well as inspiration.

I want to thank my friends (specifically: Dionne, Kat, Roger, Stephanie, and Simone) and bosses at Heath Ceramics. Although the job might have brought me to tears on more than one occasion, the people I worked with made me smile way more often. Plus, I found daily inspiration in the company's dedication to the art of making as well as the beautiful ceramics.

I’m a demanding friend. (Or, as my friend Liz once kindly put it, “Amy is complicated.”) I want to thank my close circle of friends for their support. Mary Anne, Adam, Raena, Sonya, Liz, Kara, Tim, Corinne, Jodi, Neal, Sara, Sean, Ali, James, Peggy, Rachel, Chelsea, Nick, and Kathleen, you guys have been there for me time and time again, and I can’t thank you enough. Thank you also to those of you who served as trusty recipe testers. Your feedback was invaluable to this self-taught home cook.

Of course, this book really wouldn’t be possible without its main topic, my family. They say, “you can’t choose your family,” but if you could, I bet very few people would choose someone who was writing a memoir in which you were a main character. Yet my immediate family has been nothing but supportive of this project—from my kindhearted stepdad to my loving and enthusiastic in-laws (aka Mombers Dadbers) to my amazing siblings-in-law (Andrea, Adam, and Fave) to my late grandma, my culinary guardian angel, and, of course, my late father who supported this book in his own unique way.

I especially want to thank my mom and brother, who helped me write this book by picking up the phone when I called (just about daily) while on a walk in the late afternoon after a morning at my computer. When Matt asked my mom for permission to marry me, and she famously warned him that I’m extremely difficult, she was extremely right. With that in mind, I also want to thank my mom and brother for loving me despite all of my many flaws and all of the instances I’ve taken the time to point out theirs. The truth is that no matter what I might say (or write), I love them with my whole heart.

Of course as much gratitude as I owe to all of the abovementioned people, I am most indebted to my husband and best friend, Matt, without whom I would have given up the blog long ago; without whom this story wouldn’t be worth telling.

To be on the receiving end of Matt’s specific, highly energized, and open-hearted brand of unconditional love is a very special thing. And to watch it in action with our six-week-old one-year-old son is possibly even more special. Just for introducing me to this kind of love, I’ll never be able to thank him enough.


  1. I love you!! Can't wait to take this show on the road friday! xoxo

  2. You're the best! See you tomorrow.

  3. Just noticed Matt's hyperlink didn't direct to @mattsbigtweets. that's got to be a mistake, right?

    1. HUGE mistake. Matt, we have been so patient! Please show us that big tweeet!!

  4. Love you Amelia! Am so thrilled that this day is finally here and we will be celebrating with you!

    1. Ahhhh, I hope I don't just stand there and cry the whole time. xoxxo

  5. Yessss! This is so cool! I shall devour this book :)

  6. Ordered my copy and it's shipping tomorrow! Can't wait


  7. If this book release isn't worth a Big Tweet, I don't know what is!

  8. Holy $h!t, I'm in your acknowledgements?! There's no way I deserve that!

    This was such a pleasure to read, Amelia, and it must feel so mind-blowing to look at a pageful of people who have helped make YOUR book possible. I can't even fathom. I am so proud of you and thrilled for this big step. xo

    1. Also, thanks for putting "food blogger" in quotations ;) You get it.

    2. I get it! :) And thank you (again) for the kind words. I've always appreciated your support!

  9. AMELIA! THANK YOU FOR THANKING ME! Also, thanks for the book which I really enjoyed reading. You're the best. I now know all of your secrets and will be acting MUCH more familiar with you moving forward. Also, what Sarah said above. Sending lots of love and highfives from Chicago. xoxo

    1. hahahaa Thanks, Tim! I can't wait to see you / for you to act much more familiar with me!! xoxx

  10. Haaaaaaaappy Publication Day, Amelia!!!! WHOOOOOOOHOOOO!

    1. Thank you, Kat!! And I'm looking forward to e-meeting that baby!!

  11. I can't wait to get my copy today!

  12. Will you sign a post-it and put it in the mail to me? I want an autographed copy, but you're not going to be anywhere near me! I also demand a stick figure gymnast drawing on said post-it.

    Now that my request has been made, I want to congratulate you on this incredible accomplishment! It's been a blast reading you for all the years I've been a fan. I can't wait to read the book and continue supporting you for all the years to come/Robyn albums yet to be released. xo

    1. Pls. email me your address!! This is the very LEAST I could do. xoxx

  13. Amelia!! I'm SO happy to have seen this journey through since literal day one. To think that a (questionably) failed cake could foster so many years of successes! Can't wait to read the book (like, even if I didn't know you)! And so tickled/humbled that you included little baby tannaz among such an amazing group of "food bloggers". So excited for tonight!! xoxoxo

    1. Thank you, Tannaz! And thank you for coming on Tuesday!!

  14. Congratulations, Amelia! I'm a longtime reader, first time commenter. Can't wait to start reading my copy of your book!

  15. So happy and proud of you, Amerzzzzz!!!! Can't wait to see you soon!

    1. Thanks, Ang!! Can't wait to see you too! xoxoxxxox

  16. I wish you were coming to Portland for a reading! I just got the email yesterday that my long awaited pre-order had been shipped! Yay!

    1. Thanks, Hailey! I would seriously die to visit Portland. I've never been. Which feels really wrong, especially given my love for Portlandia.

  17. So excited for your book to arrive! Congratulations!

  18. Ordered my autographed copy today....can't wait to read it! Hopefully, one day you will make it up to Portland for a reading at Powell's Books. Love your blog and humor.....Teddy and Mavis too.

    1. Thank you sooooo much, Kristy! Hope you got the book by now!

  19. I saw a ridiculously bright shooting star last night as I was sitting outside thinking about your book release date and wondering if my book was going to arrive today. It was extra beautiful and the timing was impeccable :) I am SOOOOO happy for you and cannot wait to read the book (just got confirmation is out on delivery truck)! Sending lots of love and positive energy to you tonight at your big event; you will be amazing. PS: Please consider coming to PHX to discuss your book at changing hands bookstore :) XXOO

    1. Ahhh, I love that, Megan! Thank you so much for sending so much love my (and the book's) way! I would love to make it to Phoenix and see you after all these years! Someday perhaps?! xoxoxx

  20. Agh - I'm jealous of everybody in the cities where your readings are. But I've just checked and there are physical copies of your book in Edmonton, Alberta. Pretty neat! Heading to buy one STAT.

  21. Wishing you the very best and all the congratulations on this most celebratory day!! Huzzah!

  22. Amelia! My goodness, I second Sarah, NO WAY JOSE do I deserve a place in your acknowledgments. I'm unbelievably flattered. I'm halfway through and I stopped, intentionally, to finish on beach vacay starting tomorrow. You do not know the self-control this has required. My heart bursts for your triumph in this, woman. Seriously. xoxo

    1. Thank you so much, Kelsey!! And DITTO what I said to Sarah--I've always appreciated your support over the years!! xoxx

  23. just a million xoxos. THANK YOU for all the belly laughs you've given me over the years and for your adorable boy and your all-around inspiration. xo

  24. Thank YOU, Amelia! You entertain me post after post! What a luxury!
    You're a hell of a writer and a wonderful friend, to boot <3 The bookstore wrote; my copy of your book is here!

  25. My copy arrived yesterday and I am so excited to read it! I've loved following your blog over the years. All the best!

  26. It's been a little while since I finished a book in one day, but that is a testament to your writing. I loved it! In fact, I think I may have gained a few pounds since I kept having to get up and eat something because it made me so hungry.

    When can I read book number two?

    1. hahhaa thank you so much! That's such a compliment. And as for book number two, I hope soon?? :) :)

  27. Just starting chapter 3...I can't stop reading it. Truly amazing.

    Long time lurker from MKE,


  28. I found Bon Appetempt during a feverish late-night Google sesh, convinced there had to be an un-pretentious food blog out there. And look, there is! I've been a long-time reader (slash-silent supporter because the internet lets you be weird like that) but just finished your book and had to comment to say you are amazing!! I can't wait for more posts, videos, books, etc. Congratulations!

  29. I too finished it in one day. I look forward to the next book and as always to the stories on the blog. Cheers!

  30. Hahaha Extremely Difficult. I love you guys. Congratulations Amelia, I can't wait to read it.


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