
The Book Tour!

In the past two weeks, I feel as though I've said thank you one million times. But I'm just going to move forward and continue saying it because the people to thank keep sprouting up, as if I'm playing some sort of super fun (and emotional) version of whac-a-mole™. For starters, thank you to Skylight Books for the amazing launch event on the 3rd and for everyone who attended it. It was so cool/amazing/dream-come-true-stuff to see you all there.
The Friday after the Skylight event, we headed to Matt's and my hometown, Pittsburgh. Teddy arrived with a full-blown ear infection, and so I'd like to take this moment to apologize once more for those passengers who were also on the flight with us from LAX to PIT.
We stayed with Matt's parents at their loft in the Strip District. And Matt and I fell in love with Pittsburgh all over again. It's such a beautiful city!
The reading in Pittsburgh was at my hometown Barnes and Noble, and once again, it was so great (and emotional!) to see everyone who turned up to support me / the book. Thank you so much for coming! (For those of you who couldn't make it, so sorry but you missed out on seeing a grown woman cry in a suburban Barnes and Noble!)
We finished the trip in Raleigh, North Carolina where my sister-in-law and Matt scored me a reading at the truly superb Quail Ridge Books and Music. I hate to pick favorites, but this event was so great. So many friends, family members, readers, and straight-up strangers (mostly because of this super complimentary review of the book from the Raleigh News and Observer) showed up! Plus, I guess because it was my third reading, I wasn't as terrified.
My brother (not photographed) (because he doesn't like being photographed) drove in from Charlotte and my sister Margaret, who I rarely get to see and who has a 9-month-old sweetie pie, drove in from Virginia Beach!
And while I'm wrapping up the tour / thanking people, I thought I could do a quick round up of some of the awesome publicity the book has gotten. Thank you so much to everyone who has helped spread the word!
1. People magazine, which describes the book as a "winning memoir about youthful befuddlement and finding yourself."
3. As The Plot Thins interview
5. largehearted boy (where I put my book to music!)
7. Something Lovely interview
9. News and Observer book review
12. Not really publicity, but... our Teddy video went viral! 
Top row, from left to right: Teddy at the Pittsburgh airport; Matt relaxing at his parents' place; Teddy and I getting excited to go to the Pittsburgh Children's Museum; Teddy and Matt's mom at the Children's museum.

Middle row, from left to right: Teddy and me three hours into the eight-hour drive from Pittsburgh to Raleigh; Teddy and me on hour seven; Teddy and Matt on the flight back to LA.

Bottom row, from left to right: Matt's sister Andrea made a strawberry poke cake. I can't wait to try one at home; This is a screenshot of the #bonappetempt hashtag on Instagram. I love how many of you have posted a photo of the book! This third photo is from before the tour, but I really love it. It's my bff Mary Anne here at our house with Teddy, the book, and Mavis. And lastly, this is Teddy in his diaper and a plastic apron on the "waterplay" level of the Children's Museum! 

OK, that's all for now. The next post will have a recipe to go with it, I promise!

Until then and with a million more thank-yous,


  1. This was so much fun. Also, congrats on making it onto dadbers' Dick Francis shelf!

  2. This is so great! Love you! Congratulations on everything!

  3. Amelia, Just a heads up the new issue of Bald Head Island's Magazine HAVEN is readable online NOW! http://www.baldheadisland.com/island/news/haven-magazine

  4. We had a blast. Let's do it all over again. Congratulations on such a successful tour. Love you!

  5. It was so awesome to see you in person! So happy and excited for you! And no fair that Teddy was at the other signings - I wanna meet that cutie!!!

  6. Hope you end up doing more stops on the tour! Come to DC!

  7. Congratulations on everything! I loved the book and just want to pick it up and read it all over again :)
    I'm looking forward to your next project ;)

  8. I finished your book in a day point five. Read: I loved it and could not put it down. If you ever do a Midwest tour, consider Milwaukee! It's an awesome city and we would love to have you!

  9. Such great photos of Pittsburgh and you went to the Children's Museum! I hope you and Teddy had fun, I always loved it there as a kid. Your book is arriving with my mom in 1.5 weeks! Can't wait.

  10. Ah ! Amelia come to Atlanta!! We would love to have you :)) I have introduced at least 3 of my friends here to your blog so you'll already have a crowd!

  11. Awwwwww, love these photos, and your book tour, and when i visited you guys (minus the projectile vomiting part)!

  12. I loved your book and can't wait to go back and bookmark recipes. And I'd be more surprised if you said Teddy's video DIDN'T go viral, because c'mon, it's the cutest thing ever!

  13. SO happy for you. You are surrounded by love and support and deserve every second of it.

  14. I am over the moon thrilled for you Amelia! and can't wait to get my hands on that book. I'm going right now to demand that my local library purchase a copy or two!


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