
What is Bon Appétempt?

I don’t think that anyone wants to be any one thing. More than that, I think it’s impossible. Mothers can’t just be mothers. They are also daughters, sisters, partners, coworkers, bosses, cooks, writers, dancers, free-ranging animals, etc. Same with fathers. Same with your best friend. Same with the woman who runs the daycare where you send your baby. Same with your 13-month-old baby who throws tantrums for you and your husband but apparently not for the woman who runs the daycare.
On the Monday before Christmas, I had the super cool opportunity to go to NPR’s offices in Los Angeles and record an interview with Audie Cornish for All Things Considered. I was so excited; my book would be out in six weeks, and I imagined all the people I might convert into readers who might then buy my book! Long story short, the interview never made it to air.
I don’t know how All Things Considered works, but Matt kept telling me that this happens a lot—that they cut interviews and segments when something else comes up, and since my interview was holiday-themed, it had a short window to air before Christmas anyway. But I mostly blamed myself, sure that I messed up the interview somehow; I know that I’m not exactly a precise, articulate speaker, let alone one who says things in concise sound bites. No, I usually take a moment to process a question before giving an often meandering answer.

So, a month later, when I had some phone interviews lined up to publicize the book, I decided to brush up on how to concisely and clearly answer questions about myself. Ha! What a silly notion! I really did though. Matt actually emailed me a list of questions that he thought interviewers might ask. The first one was: “What is Bon Appétempt?” (Which, of course, is a trick question because it’s both a blog and a book. Nice try, Matt!)

But now that the book has been out for a whole month and Matt’s and my big PR push (sorry, but that’s what we’ve been calling it around here) is winding down, I found myself asking the same question, although this time strictly in terms of the blog. And this is what I came up with:
Which brings us back to my original statement: I don’t think that anyone wants to be any one thing.

At my book event in Raleigh, some kind person in the audience asked me if I would continue along with the blog now that the book was out. I don’t remember exactly what I said, but I think it was something along the lines of: Yes! Absolutely, yes!

In a way, this post is a longer answer to that same question. Of course I’m going to continue with Bon Appétempt. I’m obsessed with this blog and the people who read it. But this time around, I want to give myself (even more?) carte blanche to write about whatever it is I want to write about; to post whatever it is I want to post.

On the same day that I made the above pie chart in my journal, I also drew this:
Yes, I want to write about gymnastics. In fact, I have a gymnastics-related story I’m working on (more on that later). I also have two essays I wrote that I tried to place with the New York Times Magazine as part of Matt’s and my big PR push (sorry, sorry—it’s just what we called it!), but as the NYT passed on them, I am looking forward to posting them here as well.

That said, I’m positive that the future will still hold recipes, culinary adventures, miscellaneous videos, photographs, and writing. But I think the best case scenario, as far as I see it, is that one day in the not-too distant future, you’ll be reading this blog and someone will be reading it over your shoulder; and you’ll turn around, catching them in the act, and they’ll say, probably with a furrowed brow, “Bon Appétempt? What is that?”

And you’ll be like: “Honestly, I don’t even f*cking know anymore.”

See you next week, friends!


  1. I love it. xoxo Also, I prefer meandering answers.

  2. I love this post. I can't wait to keep reading.

  3. Meander away. That's when I accidentally find the answers.

  4. This is so YES. Because when people ask me lately what I'm doing with myself and my time (food blogging? mom-ing? grown person things?!) my mental answer is always kind of, "Honestly, I don't even f?!#ing know anymore!" And I mean that in the best way possible. LOL. Keep on doin what you do, always love seeing what you come up with.

  5. If it were anything other than this, I wouldn't read it! I'm a little disappointed, though, that there wasn't the tiniest 10th of a percent sliver for Robyn videos.

  6. I will follow this blog wherever it leads me!! Write on! Your number ONE fan. (Sorry, Matt.)

  7. You are so wonderful. I love this post and am inspired to go home and make pie charts in my journal. xo S

  8. I had a photo shoot recently and while I didn't receive any direct criticism, I got the impression that it didn't go the way they wanted. That stuff just eats me up. But publishing a book and all that goes with it? Man. I'm inspired by your guts and the honesty you keep giving.

  9. Love your blog! As a Mom Mom of 2 grown kids I wear/wore more hats than you can count! You're doing just great!

  10. Love it! Can't wait to see what's to come!

  11. I don't know what this blog is but I most absolutely come here for the writing. So keep writing, about whatever, and I'll keep reading it.

  12. Well I love everything about this blog, your book and you so what ever it is and what ever it will be... i love it!

  13. I love your blog. I will read whatever you write. :)

  14. I think I've posted this comment three times now? I LOVE this post and your hand-writing! My mom LOVES your book! Big love to your PR-pushing, big tweeting, articulate, toddling family. XOXO

    1. SORRY you had to post so many times. (Blogger is so stupid sometimes!) But your comment made me LOL. so thank youuuu!!

  15. I've been a silent fan of your blog for years now! Today I wanted to let you know that you have followers in France :) I very much appreciate your unique style and wanted to thank you for sharing in this space your unedited views on life's adventures. I find your path very free and inspirational. I just ordered your book and I can't wait to dive into it!

  16. I love reading your blog and I had looked at the trampoline you drew and had taken that as a symbol of a spring-board for new / other things. Congrats on your recent book too.

  17. Love this post! As writers, we have to offer ourselves permission to grow and evolve so we can keep figuring out our own sense of voice. I say go for it -- write about your son or gymnastics or whatever. Your readers will keep coming back. When I started my blog, I told myself every post was going to document some aspect of what it is like to own a small NYC restaurant and pop-up food business (I own it with my husband). For the most part, I do this, but then last week I wrote a post about flowers, and as I was writing it I was thinking, "WTF...I'm writing about flowers right now." So it goes...
    I have your book on my nightstand -- looking forward to starting it this weekend.

  18. This is one of my favorite blog posts to-date (and it wasn't even a video involving Teddy or Mavis!) I say this because I like when people are real. The entire internet feels like one big PR push sometimes (sorry, but that's just what we call it!) and even I'm guilty of this with my own business. So it's refreshing to feel your transparency. You are an amazing writer! I look forward to anything that comes out of this blog, gymnastics or not.

    p.s. I devoured your book last week and finished off a whole box of cheerios in the process (toasted of course!)

  19. I love this blog and I'm really enjoying your book. You and Matt have just arrived in Paris. I have to tell you, I actually discovered Bon Appétempt while feverishly planning the trip to Paris my husband and I took in the Fall of 2012. I found your video and thought it was hilarious at the end when you were eating macarons and making fun of Matt for taking photographs and then apologizing afterwards. Désolé!

  20. I don't often comment, but I wanted to say that you, and your work here on your blog, and the whole way you go about growing and working on projects, is totally inspirational for me and my life. I've been wanting more out of my life and creativity, and needing to get past some fears and internal narratives about what I'm capable of, and the way you do it, by just putting it out there and being honest, is awesome. It makes your and Matt's talent look effortless. Keep it up!


  21. THANK YOU GUYS!!!!!! (I've had Teddy all day and thus, not much time to myself, but it's been SO GREAT to read all these positive comments.)

  22. Ha ha, perfect!! You got me on that punchline! Keep on doing what you're doing Amelia, you rock! xo

  23. Still reading! Finished your book in record time - it was THAT good! Thanks for sharing your thoughts with the world :)

  24. You just keep getting better and better. And I LOVED your book. Like, going to read it a second time (now that I'm done with obligatory book for book club) loved. Also, for what it's worth, Quinn's teachers/daycare providers have always told me that the BEST kids are those who are comfortable enough at home to act out but know better than to do so when in another's care. They might all be blowing smoke, but it made me feel like I was doing something right. XO

    1. Jen! Thank you for this. I've thought about it countless times since first reading it. :) :)

  25. I just read your book today and now know why my husband laughed so much while reading it. Great writing!

  26. I actually really laughed out loud when I read the last couple paragraphs (which is super rare for me while reading alone and I don't think has happened since Renaissance Babies Who Can't Even?)

    Hurrah for more gymnastics and miscellaneous videos!


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